
Successfully implementing SAML 2.0 support requires correct configurations on several levels. This page provides an overview and examples.

  • Where to store the filesystem configuration files can be defined in the Zope configuration zope.conf, otherwise the default configuration file folder for the Zope instance is used.

  • The pysaml2 library that does all the heavy lifting has its own set of filesystem-based configuration files, these get stored in the folder configured in zope.conf.

  • The plugin instances in the ZODB expose a few configuration settings in the Zope Management Interface (ZMI).

  • How the plugin acts in concert with other plugins in the respective PluggableAuthService user folder is configured on the plugin and the plugins object inside the user folder.

  • The plugin stores user data on the respective users’ Zope sessions, so if your deployment uses ZEO and multiple Zope processes you should choose a session product that works across multiple processes, for example a memcache-based implementation.

Filesystem configuration location

By default, the pysaml2 library configuration files are stored in the Zope instance INSTANCE_HOME subfolder etc. In a zc.buildout-based installation this is usually in the buildout root’s subfolder parts/<INSTANCENAME>/etc, where <INSTANCENAME> is the name of the buildout section that builds the Zope instance. If you want to store the configurations elsewhere you can do so with a zope.conf setting:

<product-config saml2plugins>
  configuration_folder /opt/zope/mybuildout/etc

If you use the buildout recipe plone.recipe.zope2instance to create the Zope instance you can add this configuration with the configuration key zope-conf-additional before running the buildout:

zope-conf-additional =
    <product-config saml2plugins>
      configuration_folder /opt/zope/mybuildout/etc

pysaml2 configuration files

The pysaml2 library ( handles all SAML 2.0 interactions. It uses its own set of configuration files, starting with the main configuration file written in Python.


In order to support different configurations per plugin instance the main pysaml2 configuration file name is hardcoded for each plugin. The file name and location is shown on the ZMI tab Configuration:


This implies that you must create the SAML 2.0 plugin instance before you can create the pysaml2 configuration.

You should study the pysaml2 configuration reference to get an overview over the different options. Here’s some additional information:

  • Any place where you configure file paths it is recommended you use absolute full paths instead of relative paths. Relative paths will be interpreted in the context of the current working path of the running Zope process, which may not always be obvious or the same.

  • allow_unsolicited: The ability to accept SAML requests from an identity provider that are not in response to a prior request by the service provider is mostly useful for testing. This should be set to False in production.

  • key_file and cert_file: The key and certificate files configured here are used for signing. If you don’t specify a separate key and certificate file using the encryption_keypairs setting, they are used for encryption as well. You can generate suitable key/certificate pairs with openssl:

    openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout samltest1.key -out samltest1.pem
  • allow_unknown_attributes: If set to True, all attributes returned by the identity provider are stored in the Zope user session. To limit the attributes and optionally map their names for Zope, you can use the attribute_map_dir setting to configure a folder where the attribute maps are stored. You should pay attention to the following:

    • If you don’t specify an attribute_map_dir, pysaml2 will load a default set of attributes. Every identity provider has different attribute names and syntaxes, so if you set allow_unknown_attributes to False logins may fail because none of the attributes returned by your specific identity provider match the attribute names assumed by pysaml2.

    • Attribute maps are keyed on SAML 2.0 syntax names such as urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri. You can store as many attribute map files in the configured folder as you like, but the map values for a given syntax name are not merged after reading the file! Instead, the last map encountered for a syntax name “wins”. You should avoid having more than one file for each syntax.

  • metadata: This setting can hold as many XML file sources (local or remote) as you like. However, keep in mind how attribute maps are handled. It’s not a good idea to separate attribute maps by identity provider - see the notes about attribute map handling above. The contents for these metadata files are available from your identity provider.

Plugin configuration in the ZMI

After instantiating a SAML 2.0 Plugin in a PluggableAuthService instance you can configure several settings on its Properties ZMI tab:

  • Plugin unique ID (read-only): The plugin’s unique ID, which determines the configuration file name for the main pysaml2 configuration file (see above).

  • Title (optional): An optional title for the plugin instance, which is visible in the ZMI.

  • Default Identity Provider: The selection list will show all identity providers that have been configured using the pysaml2 configuration key metadata. The identity provider you select here will be chosen by default. If you want to choose another you can present custom login links for them in your application.

  • Login attribute: Zope user folders have a hardwired concept of a login value that is unique for each user. You can designate a SAML attribute name to use as this login, the attribute value should be unique for each user. If none is specified, Zope will use the so-called SAML 2.0 subject value, which is a unique identity provider-assigned value.

  • Session inactivity timeout: The number of hours of user inactivity until a session is considered stale and the user is forced to log in again. The timer is reset whenever the user performs some action on the site, such as loading a page.

  • Roles for SAML-authenticated users: Once a user has successfully gone through the login procedure at the identity provider, Zope knows “this is a valid user”. The site administrator may want to confer specific rights to these users. The selection list presents roles known to Zope in the place where the user folder was instantiated. All roles you select here will be given to users authenticated by this SAML 2.0 plugin.

  • Logout redirect path: If you enter the path to a page in Zope here, the user will be redirected to that page when using the logout functionality. The page must be publicly visible because the user will be logged out at that moment, otherwise they will be prompted for authentication again.

  • Sign metadata: If this checkbox is selected, the generated XML metadata is signed with the signing key from the pysaml2 key_file configuration.

  • Use enclosing metadata EntitiesDescriptor: The generated XML metadata describes the plugin’s service provider functionality inside an EntityDescriptor XML tag. Checking this box will wrap that tag inside a container tag EntitiesDescriptor. This should usually stay unchecked because many identity providers don’t support it.

  • Optional Prefix: A PluggableAuthService-specific setting to add a plugin-specific prefix to login values emitted by this plugin. This prevents naming collisions in cases where you have more than one plugin that emits logins and they define logins with the same name.

PluggableAuthService configuration

Individual plugins can fulfill specific duties inside a PluggableAuthService user folder. Activating the different functionalities is done on the plugin’s Activate ZMI tab. Fine-tuning the order in which the plugins are called for each functionality is done on the plugins object inside the PluggableAuthService object. These details are out of scope for this plugin documentation, though.

In general, you should check all boxes on this plugin’s Activate tab with one exception: You should only check the Challenge checkbox if the SAML 2.0 plugin is the only plugin that should present a login dialog to the users of your site. If more than one plugin that is capable of presenting a login dialog is selected then your users may see more than one login dialog, which is probably not what you want.

If you want to support more than one way of logging into your site you should only have one plugin that fulfills the Challenge role as fallback that gets called automatically when a users visits a page they don’t have enough rights to see. For all others you should offer explicit links the user can click to authenticate with the chosen mechanism. These links point to the respective plugin’s challenge method.

Alternatively, you could create and activate a custom challenge plugin using e.g. a Scriptable Plugin, which does nothing but bring up a custom login page where users can choose how to log in with login links.


The SAML 2.0 plugin does not support assigning roles or groups using the ZODB-based role and groups plugins that ship with the PluggableAuthService because they require the ability to search for users. This is not supported by SAML 2.0. Users are essentially ephemeral and not persistent on the service provider side (the plugin). They only exist for the duration of the Zope login session.

Zope sessioning configuration

The SAML 2.0 plugin stores successful login data and user attributes received from the identity provider in the Zope session tied to that user. Keep in mind that the default sesion implementation will store sessions in memory and not in some shared database. That means session data is only available to the Zope instance where the user logged in. If your deployment uses more than a single Zope instance in a ZEO configuration you should switch from the default session implementation to one that stores data in a shared database. One good choice is the memcache-based Products.mcdutils Zope add-on.