
The correct function of a SAML 2.0 Plugin requires several cooperating entities and configurations. There are many places where even a small misconfiguration can make authentication fail. This document tells you how to get more debugging information and where some of the traps are.

Turn on debug logging

The plugin code itself as well as the pysaml2 library contain extensive debug logging. This should not be enabled in production due to the sheer volume of text written to the log.

By default, Zope logs at log level INFO. Lower levels such as DEBUG are not logged. To show DEBUG messages, edit your Zope instance’s WSGI configuration:

  • If you used the script mkwsgiinstance edit the file at etc/zope.ini inside the folder you selected for the instance.

  • If you used the buildout recipe plone.recipe.zope2instance to create the Zope instance then edit the file at parts/<INSTANCENAME>/etc/wsgi.ini, where <INSTANCENAME> is the name of the buildout section that builds the Zope instance.

Find the section [logger_root] and change the value for the level setting from INFO to DEBUG. Then restart your Zope instance. The log output is sent to the event log, its path is shown in the WSGI configuration section [handler_eventlog].

To follow output at the console it’s usually simpler to run the Zope instance attached to the terminal while debugging. For plone.recipe.zope2instance instances, use the start script with the argument fg instead of start.

Errors shown on the Configuration tab

Some errors are shown on the plugin’s Configuration ZMI tab, like missing or unreadable key and certificate files. Look there first.

Failures before identity provider redirection

Some identity providers have specific requirements for the digest, signature and/or encryption algorithms they accept. This can break the redirect from the Zope plugin to the identity provider when those algorithms are not supported by either pysaml2, xmlsec1 or both. This error condition requires watching the event log output from the pysaml2 library. You will see parse errors that contain algorithm values or error output from the logged xmlsec1 binary interaction.

Redirect to the identity provider fails

If Zope redirects to the identity provider but the identity provider throws up an error message check the key/certificate settings. Make sure the key and certificate files configured in the pysaml2 configurations for key_file and cert_file match what the identity provider expects. If you are not sure, visit the Metadata ZMI tab, download the plugin’s metadata file again and re-upload it at the identity provider.

Zope login fails

If the user is redirected correctly to the identity provider, but a successful login there does not log the user into Zope and instead redirects back to the identity provider then Zope was unable to read login information from the SAML response sent by the identity provider.

If the Zope event log shows a message containing handleACSRequest: Cannot find login attribute then you have configured Login attribute on the ZMI tab, but that attribute is not found among the attributes sent by the identity provider. Set that configuration to an empty string, change the pysaml2 configuration setting allow_unknown_attributes to True, reload the configuration and then re-try the login. Watch the pysaml2 log messages for output starting with AVA. It will show a mapping with the attribute names and their values that were sent by the identity provider. Make sure the attribute you set as Login attribute is in that map. If you have configured the pysaml2 setting attribute_map_dir and use your own attribute maps, make sure the SAML attribute names and the mapped names are correct and the SAML syntax matches what the identity provider sends. To see the attributes’ SAML syntaxes watch the XML output pysaml2 logs to the Zope event log.

In general, custom pysaml2 attribute maps in conjunction with disallowing unknown attributes by setting allow_unknown_attributes to False should be tested thoroughly before deployment in production. Make sure your custom attribute maps don’t define more than a single map for each SAML syntax. These maps are not merged during loading, only a single map will be loaded for each syntax.

Some identity providers will use unsupported algorithms for digest, signature and/or encryption. This error condition requires watching the event log output from the pysaml2 library. You will see parse errors that contain algorithm values or error output from the logged xmlsec1 binary interaction.