
This document describes the steps for creating and configuring a SAML 2.0 plugin. For this example the external website URL is, which is mapped to a folder /mysite in Zope. The Zope instance is installed on the server filesystem at /opt/zope

You should read the Configuration document first to familiarize yourself with some of the settings this document refers to.

Set the configuration file location

Locate the zope.conf configuration file for your Zope instance and add the following at the end before restarting Zope:

<product-config saml2plugins>
  configuration_folder /opt/zope/etc

If you use the zc.buildout recipe plone.recipe.zope2instance to create your Zope instance, add the following to the buildout section for the Zope instance, re-run the buildout and restart Zope:

zope-conf-additional =
    <product-config saml2plugins>
      configuration_folder /opt/zope/etc

Create the plugin

In the Zope ZMI, navigate to /mysite/manage_main and, if you haven’t done so yet, create a PluggableAuthService instance. Then, click on the PluggableAuthService acl_users. From the dropdown named Select type to add, select SAML 2.0 Plugin:


On the initial form, set an ID and optional title:


Click on the SAML 2.0 plugin you just created and visit the Configuration tab. It will tell you that the plugin cannot find the pysaml2 configuration file that is required:


Copy the filesystem path that it is looking for, you will need it when creating the pysaml2 configuration file below.

Create a key and certificate pair

A key and certificate are needed to cryptographically sign SAML 2.0 request data or the SAML metadata generated by the plugin. On the filesystem, change to the folder /opt/zope/etc and create them:

openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout saml.key -out saml.crt

Get XML metadata for your identity provider

XML metadata describes how service provider nd identity provider interact. When you choose an identity provider they will usually provide a ready-made XML file for this purpose. Create or download this metadata XML file and store it inside /opt/zope/etc. This example assumes the filename idp.xml.

Create a pysaml2 configuration file

Create a file at the filesystem path from the previous step. Here’s the start configuration for this test scenario:

from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT

    "entityid": "",
    "service": {
        "sp": {
            "name": "Testing SP",
            "allow_unsolicited": False,
            "endpoints": {
                "assertion_consumer_service": [
    "key_file": "/opt/zope/etc/saml.key",
    "cert_file": "/opt/zope/etc/saml.crt",
    "xmlsec_binary": "/usr/local/bin/xmlsec1",
    "allow_unknown_attributes": True,
    "organization": {
        "display_name": [
            " samltest1",
        "name": [
            " samltest1",
        "url": [
    "contact_person": [
            "givenname": "John",
            "surname": "Doe",
            "phone": "",
            "mail": "",
            "type": "technical",
    "metadata": {
        "local": [

You can either restart the Zope instance or use the button Reload configuration on the plugin’s Configuration tab in the ZMI to load the configuration. The configuration values will now show on the page.


Check the SAML 2.0 plugin properties

In the Zope ZMI, click on the plugin’s Properties tab. Check the property values and adjust where needed before clicking Save. Check the Configuration document for details about each setting.


Activate the plugin

In the Zope ZMI, click on the plugin’s Activate tab. For this example we assume the plugin is the only one that is allowed to present a login form, so check all checkboxes and click Update.


Now go back to the user folder at /mysite/acl_users/manage_main to check these activation settings on the plugins registry. Click on plugins, then select the ZMI tag Active. The new plugin should be the only one listed in the Challenge Plugins line. If not, click on the Challenge Plugins link and remove all other plugins from the Active Plugins box.


Configure the identity provider

The identity provider you choose for handling logins needs to be configured to know and trust your website as service provider. How to do so differs between identity providers. Usually you’re asked to create a login at the identity provider and then provide information where your service provider is and how it signs its messages. Many identity providers let you upload all this data as XML file, which the plugin generates for you. In the Zope ZMI, click on the plugin’s Metadata tab. The generated metadata is shown on the page, and clicking the link Download the metadata file will download it to your computer for upload to the identity provider.

Testing it all

Go back to the root folder of your site at /mysite/manage_main. Create a Page Template restricted_html and go to its ZMI Security tab at /mysite/restricted_html/manage_access. Scroll down the list of permissions until you get to View. Uncheck the checkbox in the Acquire? column and check the checkbox in the Authenticated column. Then click Save Changes at the bottom. With this change, the page at is only visible for authenticated users. When you open a new browser with which you’re not logged into your site at and visit the page you should be redirected to the identity provider for logging in. If the login at the identity provider has been successful you should be redirected to and should be able to see the page.